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Five Unconventional Ways to Acquire Your First 500 SaaS Customers

Product Growth   |   Jun 1st 2023 - 6 mins read

Five Unconventional Ways to Acquire Your First 500 SaaS Customers

So, you've got a killer SaaS product that developers will love (erm, Tractorscope). But how do you get those first 100 customers? Sure, you could go the traditional marketing route, but let's kick it up a notch and explore some unexpected and unconventional strategies. In this article, we'll dive into unconventional ways to acquire your first 100 customers for your developer-focused SaaS company. At Tractorscope we're going to have to try these and report back on what really works.
  1. Build a Community: Developers love to hang out and connect with like-minded folks. So, start building a community around your SaaS product! Join developer forums, engage on social media, and hop into those industry-specific Slack channels. Be helpful, share insights, and create a buzz. As you become a valuable member of the community, developers will naturally become aware of your product and its awesomeness.
  1. Get Open Source Savvy: Want to win over developers? Show your love for open source! Find relevant projects in your industry and contribute to them. Fix bugs, add features, or improve documentation. By giving back to the open source community, you'll gain visibility and credibility. And don't forget to drop a mention of your SaaS product when it's relevant. Developers who appreciate your contributions might just become your customers. The website you are reading this on is actually using Notion as a CMS. Perhaps we should work toward open sourcing the CMS code?
  1. Host Epic Challenges and Hackathons: Want to grab developers' attention? Throw some challenges and hackathons their way! Organize coding challenges or hackathons that align with your product's strengths. Encourage participants to use your SaaS platform, and reward the most innovative solutions with prizes and recognition. These events are not only fun and engaging but also spread the word about your product and attract new customers.
  1. Join Forces with Influencers: Every community has its rock stars, right? Identify influential developers or industry thought leaders and collaborate with them. Ask them to write guest blog posts, do joint webinars, or have a chat on a podcast. When developers see their favorite influencers endorsing your product, they'll be more likely to check it out. Influencer partnerships can give your SaaS company a significant boost in terms of brand awareness and customer acquisition.
  1. Feed Their Knowledge Hunger: Developers crave knowledge like no other. Feed their hunger by creating developer-focused content. Write tutorials, coding guides, or best practice articles that align with your product. Make this content easily accessible on your website or platforms like Medium or When developers find value in your resources, they'll naturally be curious about your SaaS offering.
When it comes to acquiring your first 500 customers for a developer-focused SaaS company, forget the boring and go for the unexpected. Build a vibrant community, contribute to open source projects, host exciting challenges, collaborate with influencers, offer valuable content, or even spice up the onboarding experience. With these unconventional strategies, you'll attract developers who are as excited about your product as you are. Remember, innovation and creativity are your secret weapons on the road to customer acquisition and future growth.


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