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Query Skills

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Share custom dashboard URL

Open Share Modal

Click the share icon in the dashboard toolbar, top right of the dashboard detail page.
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Share modal

There are three options:
  1. Custom URLs - Create unique URLs to share the full read-only version of the dashboard
  1. Embed Settings - Customize the settings for embedding the dashboard
  1. Email Notifications - Schedule automated email delivery of the dashboard, daily, weekly or monthly
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Custom URL settings

View an existing link to see the details of how the filters are applied.
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Add new share URL

Add a shared dashboard URL to create a new link.
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Add URL details

  1. Enter the name for the new link.
  1. If Filters have been added to the dashboard they will be available as options that can be viewed at the custom URL.
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Save new URL

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Custom URLs list

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Tractorscope Footer

Tractorscope was born from the need to quickly create beautiful dashboards from valuable data, affordably. Our goal is to help small and medium businesses, and startups unlock the value that sits in their databases.

Happy queries!

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