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Getting Started

Connect to a database

Create your first dashboard and chart

Enabling two-factor authentication

Logging into Tractorscope


Query Skills

SQL Joins Guide

Add or edit color groups


Navigate to Account Settings > Colors

Choose Add new color group

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Give your new color group a name

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Create new color

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Edit color

Click on the color swatch to open the color picker, which is probably a familiar interface. Choose the color you want or enter the Hex value.
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Add as many colors as you wish!

Delete, edit, and add colors to your heart's content.
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Save new colors

Once you have all the colors you need in your palette, go ahead and Save changes to add your new color group. Color Groups are account wide so anyone with access can use the presets.
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New color group is now available to all users in your account

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Tractorscope Footer

Tractorscope was born from the need to quickly create beautiful dashboards from valuable data, affordably. Our goal is to help small and medium businesses, and startups unlock the value that sits in their databases.

Happy queries!

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