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React <iframe> component

During the lifecycle of the embed, Tractorscope embedded dashboards will fire messages indicating the latest state of loading. Within the following example, you will see dynamic height, width and loading state updates to be handled from the event listener within the embedded iframe URL.
import { useEffect, useState, useMemo } from 'react' export default function TractorReport({ url, width: incomingWidth, height: incomingHeight, dashboard, isLoading = false, }) { const [messageLoading, setMessageLoading] = useState < boolean > true const [iframeLoading, setIframeLoading] = useState < boolean > true const [width, setWidth] = useState(incomingWidth || '100%') const [height, setHeight] = useState(incomingHeight || '100px') useEffect(() => { if (url) { setMessageLoading(true) setIframeLoading(true) } }, [url]) useEffect(() => { // listen for iframe messages telling us when report has loaded and with what dimensions function handleMessage(event) { if (event?.data?.dashboardId && event?.data?.dashboardId === dashboard) { if (height !== '100%') setHeight( + 'px') if (width !== '100%') setWidth( + 'px') } setTimeout(() => setMessageLoading(false), 2000) } window.addEventListener('message', handleMessage) return () => { window.removeEventListener('message', handleMessage) } }, []) function iframeLoaded() { setTimeout(() => setIframeLoading(false), 100) } const showLoader = useMemo( () => messageLoading || isLoading || iframeLoading, [messageLoading, isLoading, iframeLoading] ) const opacity = showLoader ? 0 : 1 return ( <div> {showLoader && ( <div style={{ display: 'flex', justifyContent: 'center', alignItems: 'center', width, height, }} > Loading... </div> )} <div style={{ opacity }}> <iframe title="Report" src={url} style={{ width, height, border: 'none' }} scrolling="no" onLoad={iframeLoaded} /> </div> </div> ) }
Happy react embeds!
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Tractorscope was born from the need to quickly create beautiful dashboards from valuable data, affordably. Our goal is to help small and medium businesses, and startups unlock the value that sits in their databases.

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