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Healthcare: How Tractorscope Supercharged MRG's Data Visualization in Days, Not Months

Case Study   |   Feb 1st 2024 - 5 mins read

Healthcare: How Tractorscope Supercharged MRG's Data Visualization in Days, Not Months


Background: MedReportGuard (MRG) by Cordata, is a healthcare technology company focused on improving the outcomes for survivors of interpersonal violence. The MRG Suite is a platform that is a critical ally for hospitals and clinics across California, expanding to other states and focusing on caring for survivors of sexual assault, domestic abuse, and other violent crimes by documenting the details of these assaults and communicating that to the parties that support the patients. Forensically trained nurses examine patients who've endured trauma to collect vital information about the assault and turn it into data through the MRG Suite. The final output is a legal document used in investigations and court cases. From sexual assault to child abuse, various forms across the state capture essential data, feeding into the complex web of care, legalities, and support.
Objective: The challenge lies in managing this intricate network of information. MRG's mission required a platform that seamlessly translates collected data into an accessible and digestible format. Without compromising security and reliability, they needed a streamlined solution to serve different stakeholders, including hospital staff, law enforcement, the district attorney, and state-level authorities. The stakes were high, and the quest for a solution led them to Tractorscope, designed to cultivate and plow through the dense field of forensic medical reporting data.
Tractorscope reports were designed into the UI of the MRG Suite helping stakeholders visualize the final product
Tractorscope reports were designed into the UI of the MRG Suite helping stakeholders visualize the final product


Diverse Workflows and Processes: Across various locations using the MRG Suite, the diversity in local practices has led to different versions of forms and disparate workflows. With forms as extensive as the sexual assault form, encompassing over 2000 questions and countless variables, the reporting solution needed to exhibit immense flexibility. Catering to diverse data and the varied interests of different stakeholders reviewing that data was an intricate labyrinth to navigate.
The Complexity of Data: The volume and intricacy of the data added layers of complexity. A form with thousands of questions and variables requires meticulous handling, demanding a system that manages, analyzes, and presents complex information without losing essential nuances.
Time to Market: MedReportGuard had already done a phenomenal job building a complex Software as a Service (SaaS) platform serving various audiences across multiple locations. With a burgeoning product roadmap and running in numerous areas, the last thing they wanted was to get bogged down by constructing a data visualization platform within the MRG Suite.
The MedReportGuard Suite has to report varied data to many different user types
The MedReportGuard Suite has to report varied data to many different user types

Solution: Implementation of Tractorscope in the MRG Suite

Selection and Integration: MRG’s search for a robust data reporting solution led them to Tractorscope. After analyzing various tools in the marketplace and considering building their system themselves, they identified Tractorscope as the standout option. Considering factors like timelines, cost-effectiveness, features, and the supportive approach from Tractorscope’s founders, MRG chose to pursue integration.
Tractorscope, equipped with its array of quickly built dashboards, charts, and graphs, was seamlessly integrated within the MRG Suite. These visual aids, accessible via the MRG Suite, enabled MRG's customers to interact with their data. The embedded dashboards, filterable based on user permissions, maintained security and ensured the data reached the intended audience.
Tractorscope didn’t offer a one-size-fits-all solution but provided many options. Once the reporting UI was established within the MRG Suite, the MedReportGuard team could easily log into Tractorscope to generate new queries, charts, and displays. MRG can quickly unlock new insights with minimal effort with the current integration.
Key Features and Benefits:
  • Secure Data Handling: Tractorscope's embedded dashboards ensured a fortified layer of security, keeping the data visible only to the intended users with the correct permissions.
  • Streamlined Workflows: Tractorscope streamlined MRG’s workflow from documentation to analysis, simplifying complex processes into manageable data visualizations and downloads.
  • Cost-Effective and Time-Efficient: Tractorscope saved both money and months of development time for MRG by replacing the need to build a system from scratch.
  • Scalability and Flexibility: With the ability to adapt to the unique needs of MRG, Tractorscope proved to be both scalable and flexible, growing with the needs of the business.

Results: Reaping the Benefits of Tractorscope Integration

Rapid Efficiency Gains: The integration process with Tractorscope was incredibly streamlined. A project that might have taken 3 to 6 months to build from scratch required only a few days with Tractorscope. Complete reporting suites were available almost immediately, a truly remarkable accomplishment.
Recently viewed dashboards in Tractorscope
Recently viewed dashboards in Tractorscope
Enhanced Collaboration: MedReportGuard, with the help of Tractorscope’s capabilities, ensured a seamless collaboration among patient services, law enforcement, healthcare, and advocacy teams. With everyone accessing personalized information based on user permissions, collaboration became more coherent, supporting better planning, forecasting, and assistance for survivors.
Robust Security & Reliability: Tractorscope was more than a tool; it was a safeguard. Adhering to the HIPAA and HITECH compliance of the MRG Suite, Tractorscope avoided any sensitive or Patient Identifiable Information (PII), reporting only on non-sensitive aspects. This approach ensured the data was secure, reliable, and compliant, allowing MRG to operate confidently.
The Added Value: Tractorscope's integration did more than just complement MRG's existing functionalities; it elevated them. By enhancing communication among professionals and ensuring survivors' care was efficiently managed, Tractorscope added substantial value. It met expectations facilitating a higher level of service across the board.


MedReportGuard (MRG), a pioneer in supporting survivors of interpersonal violence, faced the intricate challenge of managing extensive, varied, and complex data across different stakeholders. Legacy systems with paper-based processes and a lack of robust digital infrastructure added complexity, making a quick and secure solution necessary. Tractorscope was chosen for its flexibility, security, economy, and efficiency. It was seamlessly integrated into the MRG Suite, turning what might have taken half a year into a matter of days. Tractorscope not only met MRG's unique needs for secure data handling and streamlined workflows but exceeded them, enhancing collaboration across various sectors, ensuring compliance with HIPAA and HITECH, and adding substantial value to MRG's mission. The success of this integration marked a significant stride towards better, more efficient care for survivors, demonstrating that with the right tools, even the most complex challenges can be met with innovation and agility.
We are incredibly proud at Tractorscope to support the great work of MedReportGuard that tangibly affects patients’ lives and those supporting them every day.


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